Henrique Tavares


February 28, 2021 • ☕️ 1 min read

Faaaaala Codeeeeers

Today I finished Rocketseat’s NLW 4 and it was a very intense and challenging week, because I decided to do the 3 NLW tracks, I hope Rocketseat will forgive me for that, but I have my explanation for why I did the 3 tracks. 😅

To begin with, I could not leave out ReactJS, it is the library that today pays my salary and that I am very enthusiastic about. I always like to be on top of news, updates, etc. and NLW is very good for that, and for my happiness, Diego Fernandes, as always phenomenal, also brought NextJS to this NLW, which made things even better. I’m not used to messing with NextJS yet, despite studying the framework well, and this contact was very good during this week.

I am a Front-End developer, I am not much of the Back-End, but if I have to develop something in NodeJS, today my first choice would be NodeJS, for several factors, but the main thing is to be able to use JavaScript/TypeScritp because I have a bigger facility, so I also wanted to keep myself updated on NodeJS, and Daniele Leão Evangelista did an incredible job that managed to make me more anxious for the next episode than for those of WandaVision. 😆

In closing, I did the soundtrack for Elixir, and the main reason was just to be able to have the first contact with this language so well spoken. And Rafael Camarda’s didactics when teaching was something that made me very excited, showed me the true power of Elixir, and with a taste of wanting more.

Thank you very much for this intense, yet satisfying Rocketseat week.

Below are the projects I developed during the week:

React: https://github.com/tavareshenrique/moveit-nlw

Node: https://github.com/tavareshenrique/nps-api-nlw

Elixir: https://github.com/tavareshenrique/rocketpay-nlw

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